Tuesday 19 October 2010

Recordings of ridiculous cuteness...

So your communication skills seem to be growing like a wild fire these days!  You are WELL aware how to shake your head "no", and you've even picked up some of the baby signs we've been doing!  Today had 2 great examples of this.

You woke up around 6am this morning.  Now, for normal 1 year-olds, that's not odd.  Not so much for you.  You tend to snooze until 7, or even 8 some days.  But it was pretty convenient that you woke up early, as I had to be at work by 7:30.  And when commuting from Linden to Manhattan, that takes some doin'.  So I scooped you up, sang our good morning song, and changed your diaper.  I then handed you to your half-asleep father, who was still in bed.  It took me all of 5 minutes to finish getting ready.  I came back in the room, expecting to find your squirming like crazy, and your daddy doing his best to hold on  to you.  Instead, I find the two of you curled up together under a blanket.  It was getting late, and we had to get going.  I offered my arms and said "up?".  You quite adamantly shook your head "no".  So I paused for a moment, thinking maybe it was just a fluke.  I tried again - "up?"  Your head shook "no" a second time, and then your turned away and closed your eyes.  Needless to say, I took the car and drove myself to the bus this morning.  Your daddy NEVER walks away from a cuddle nap.

When I got home tonight, we had play time.  Your Grandma Dorothy bought you a neat little book made of foam that teaches colors.  It even has little pop out shapes.  So I sat on the floor of the living room and showed it to you.  We went through each page (ok, there's only about 4...) saying the colors and what the pictures were.  At the end of the book, you looked at me and signed "more".  It was the first time you had used the sign outside the context of food!  I was amazed!  It completely showed that you were grasping the concept of "more" on a new level.  Of course, we read the book again.

It is both way cool and way weird to watch you turn into a little person. 

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