Thursday 14 October 2010

Birthday Reflections - Part II

You were so small.  Where did my baby go?

Nonsense.  You'll always be my baby.  Forever and ever.

I have so many wishes for you, Lily.  So very many.  I wish them everyday for you.  I wish that you will always look at the world with new eyes.  I wish that you'll always treat other people's hearts as you want yours to be treated.  I wish that you will laugh everyday.  I wish that you will always have a hand to hold.  I wish that you always know the joy of loving, and being loved.  I wish that you always do your best to make this world a better place.  I wish for you to know that it's okay to cry when you want to cry.  I wish for you to always dream big and shoot for the moon.  I wish that your innocence will live forever somewhere in your heart.  I wish for you to have your own sense of style and self.  I wish you peace in your life.  I wish that you too will one day know what a joy it is to have a daughter...

And the list goes on and on and on...

You are very lucky, you know.  There's a lot of people out there who love you.  You have no idea.  I think most people don't realize just how many people love them, though.  It's just the nature of humans to overlook the joy around them.  We get too wrapped up in stuff that we think matters, but it doesn't really.

I love that you clap for things you like.  I love that you try to do the hand movements to "itsy bitsy spider".  I love your cuddles when you are tired.  I love that your laughter is so contagious.  I love that you try to zerbert my tummy like I do to yours.  I love that you call both the cat and your father "da":  I love that today you laughed so hard, you snorted.  I love how you dance.  I love that you'll sometimes look at me very thoughtfully, and then simply put your binky in my mouth.  Afterwards, you always look like you've solved some huge problem. 

You really are an amazing little girl.

I'd say I can't wait for the next year... but to be honest, I'm happy to let it pass by as slowly as possible.

Pleasant dreams, Lily.
 See you in the morning.


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