Monday 27 June 2011

Thoughts on confidence

Read this article today:

My knee-jerk reaction was to agree with it 100%.  After all, girls are so much more than clothes, make-up, and hair.  We are intelligent, willful, individualized creatures.  We have interests, ideas, dreams, and responsibilities.  And yet, it seems every ice breaker, especially with little girls, is "what a cute dress!" or "what pretty hair!" or "you're just adorable!"  And one simply cannot get angry at a genuine compliment.  Although, after the 800th "she's so cute" I do sometimes want to scream "she's more than CUTE!".

But I kept thinking on this subject throughout the day.  You, as an adolescent girl, will be bombarded.  And to be honest, there is little I can do to stop it.  The media is everywhere.  Even in schools now.  And there is no avoiding the biggest cause of self-consciousness - other adolescent girls.  So, if I know there's no protecting you, shouldn't I help to arm you?  At the end of the day, I want you to know you're beautiful.  I want you to walk around everyday knowing that you are gloriously built, from your head to your toes.  I don't want you to ever look in a magazine, see a tv ad, or even look at another girl and even momentarily second-guess yourself.

So there's a balance somewhere, yes?  I tell you everyday how beautiful you are, and then immediately remind you that you are more than beautiful?  Sounds confusing, although I think that's the basic answer.  I think at the end of the day, my goal is to help give you more self-confidence than I ever had growing up.  And to help you understand how to love yourself as much as I love you.

So, Lily... you are beautiful.  And you go far beyond that beauty.  But, you're still beautiful.

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