Friday 4 February 2011


Everyone is always saying how pretty you are...  your Godmother sent this during a chat we were having and said "it makes me think of Lily".

As your mother and the first strong female influence in your life, I hope that I can teach you that a woman's beauty is not measured by how flawless she is, but rather is created by the stunning mosaic of her imperfections.  A picture that tells the story of a life and soul, not of someone else's ideal.

Lily Jennifer, it's true:  You are so much more than pretty.


  1. this is about the self mutilating circus we have painted ourselves clowns in
    about women who will prowl the thirty stores and six malls to find the right cocktail dress but who haven't had a clue where to find fulfillment or how to wear joy...

    Lily will know how to wear joy.
    thanks to you...
