Saturday 21 March 2009

Fuck you, Zuul.

Why in God's name am I awake at 2am?


I guess there's a lot on my mind lately. Aside from the kid, there's work, money, houses, the messiness of my apartment, the mass amount of laundry, taxes, the car, my husband, the animals, worrying about friends, and my health. Just to name a few. I could probably go into great detail about every single one of these, but somehow I think it would be counter productive. Rather than get everything off my mind, it would just stir it up even more. Blah.

Being a grown-up sucks. Ever thought you'd hit the day when you wish you're greatest worry was your math test? Ha.

Time to try and sleep. Hard enough, with the little pod that likes to wreak havoc on my body and hormones.

There is no relaxation. There is only Zuul.

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