But then on the other hand, I feel I do you a disservice by not providing you with a sibling. Sibling rivalry is a healthy part of growing up - although, that can backfire. On the one hand, your sibling can be your best friend throughout life, never once wavering. On the other hand, your sibling can cause you enormous amounts of pain, and you can simply stop acknowledging one another. It's a crap shoot, perhaps. I love all of my sisters dearly. And I think it was good to have one another growing up. And I can say with 100% certainty that, despite all of our differences, in a time of crisis, we'd all be there for one another. That's what sisters do.
Still... the thought of a second baby scares the crap out of me. How in the world would your father and I be able to juggle two kids, when we just barely keep all of our balls in the air now? It's a silly question to ask, I know. The answer is, we simply would. Goddess knows I wasn't at all prepared when you came into being. I had know idea what I was doing, or how we were going to manage. But here I am, managing. Perhaps not with all the grace and finesse of other mothers, but managing none-the-less. So logically, yes, I know we'd be fine. But emotionally? I think I'd be a wreck.
It also seems to be somewhat selfish to have a 2nd child this day in age. The Earth is already taking so much abuse due to our booming population. Not to mention, the countless kids that need families and homes. I've been giving very serious thought to the prospect of adoption. It feels like that might be the right choice for our family when/if it comes time to grow. Granted, it's like helping to empty the ocean by taking a tear-dropper full out... but maybe I'll start a trend, who knows? The only thing I think I'd miss is being pregnant again. I loved being pregnant. Never before in my life did I feel so beautiful, so purposeful, and so close to the Goddess as I did when I was helping to create a life. Your life. I felt more than whole. It was amazing, and something I will treasure for all time. To be able to do that a second time would be a blessing. But... I would still feel guilty. To be able to give warmth, love, and family to a child without those.... that would also truly be a blessing.
As you can tell, I'm really back and forth on the whole subject. Perhaps I'll take your Aunt Jenny's strategy - when you start asking for a sibling, I'll start giving it more serious thought. For now, I can tell you for sure that I am just too busy learning about you, helping you grow, and smothering you with love to be distracted. I can say with certainty, that if you end up being my only child, I will still feel overwhelmed with how blessed I am. and should another baby come along... it'll be that much more love to go around.