Last night a new little addition to the extended family came into this world. And it occurred to me that she entered this world much the same way you did - during a crazy storm. And I sat and thought about this for a while. Perhaps this is the way the Goddess welcomes strong women into the world. And not just strong women. Women who will grow with strength, courage, and fire in their heart. Women who will know what it is to love both tenderly and fiercely. Women whose minds and hands will change the world in some fashion. A storm, which brings renewal and life and cleanses the earth - A Goddess's baptism for women of a certain nature. Her welcome to motherhood for the Earth Mama's who will raise these amazing girls into women. A storm, I think, is the greatest type of welcome, held only for those who deserve it.
On Thursday, you said to me, "Mommy, I want to play in the rain." And so we did, if only for a few minutes. You are without doubt a child of the Goddess and an Earth Mother's daughter. And you have a new sister now. Not a sister of blood, but a sister of water, wind, and thunder. What a glorious sister to have.