It's going to be one of those scattered posts. I mostly want to notate some of your little personality traits at the age of 1 and 1/2...
You will now occasionally speak in fully sentences. It always throws me off when you do.
You hate it when people leave. It makes you sad. Although, you love to say "bye-bye" to all those still downstairs when walking upstairs to bed (including the dog and the 2 cats).
You get a kick out of tickling people.
You're favorite place to play is under the kitchen sink.
You pronounce hiccups, "hippuck".
You try to sing the ABC's, but never get past C. You will repeat the letters A, B, and C over and over.
Potty training is... so-so.
You call Lenore, "Anore"
You can say "yellow" perfectly, but not "green"
Your favorite foods are pizza, cheese, and strawberries
You are slowly, but surely, giving up the binky.
You're all about your baby doll. You feed her your breakfast. You hug her. You kiss her. You tickle her. You put her "ni-night".
You love it when I imitate you.
You would pick running and climbing over any toys. (that's my girl...)
I caught you with one leg over the crib rail the other day. You played it off well.
At first you pronounced "Micky Mouse", "Ma-House". Now you say "Micky House".
You bump your head more than any kid I know. If you have a lumpy head, I'm sorry.
You insist that the sheep in your "colors" book are actually dogs.
You got your first computer, and you love it.
Tooth number 11 is just about all the way in.
You had a nightmare last night. I wish I knew what it was about.'
You have a tiny toddler obsession with Elmo. But you also love Big Bird and Cookie Monster. Still, you once made me sing "Elmo's Song" 7 times in a row...
That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure they'll be more to come... but I am falling asleep... and your dad is coding is website.... and you are in dreamland.