Thursday, 25 November 2010

Words of Wisdom from Aunt Gracie

Your Aunt Gracie (currently age 9) wrote this for your today.  I hope to keep this one forever, but just in case, I'm copying it here.

Tips on being a girl.
      When you are 4 or 3 you will relize you need friends.  Your usual already playing with other people but you don't pick your friends until you go to preschool or pre-k.  Then if you meet a nice girl then be yourself!  The best way to make a friend!  If they don't appreciate that don't make a lie she's just not right for your friend.
     Never lie.
You hear this word a lot now don't ya?  It's true you have to tell the truth.  If you get a 0 on a test, don't lie.  Your Mom would understand.  Your Dad probably not.
     Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Its true.  Your just about to eat the last gummy bear when someone says "can I have one" you say no they might not give you their last piece of of food.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Night-Night Bobo

Watching you play independently is always fascinating.  You are currently putting Bobo to bed.  His bed, of course, is the little kitchen set that Aunt Jenny gave you.  Being the resourceful little Bug that you are, you simply knocked it over - voila! a bed!  You put him down and put a little blankie on him.  It was really quite adorable.  I wish I had my camera.  A little blogged memory will have to do.