Friday, 26 March 2010

5 Months

You're 5 months old now. Everyday you amaze me. Watching you discover and learn is a phenomenal thing to witness. You laugh first thing every morning when I come into your room. It's the best way to start a day. You crinkle your eyebrows at me when I try to get you to say "mama". I know you're trying to figure it out. So far you've looked at me and said "bla bla". You've named your monkey Bobo as you often look at him and say "bobobobobobobobo". Your nose sometimes wrinkles when you laugh. I adore that. You can roll all over the place. You especially love to do this while I'm trying to change your diaper. You'll let me know you're hungry by trying to eat my face. We still struggle a bit with nursing. My milk production just isn't what it should be at this stage. But I'm not giving up on us yet. I know it's important to both of us. You look so peaceful when we nurse successfully. We're in a new house. It took you a few weeks to get used to. For 2 weeks you wouldn't sleep anywhere but our bed, cuddled in one of our arms.

You are the most beautiful thing I have ever known. I love you.