Thursday, 25 November 2010

Words of Wisdom from Aunt Gracie

Your Aunt Gracie (currently age 9) wrote this for your today.  I hope to keep this one forever, but just in case, I'm copying it here.

Tips on being a girl.
      When you are 4 or 3 you will relize you need friends.  Your usual already playing with other people but you don't pick your friends until you go to preschool or pre-k.  Then if you meet a nice girl then be yourself!  The best way to make a friend!  If they don't appreciate that don't make a lie she's just not right for your friend.
     Never lie.
You hear this word a lot now don't ya?  It's true you have to tell the truth.  If you get a 0 on a test, don't lie.  Your Mom would understand.  Your Dad probably not.
     Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Its true.  Your just about to eat the last gummy bear when someone says "can I have one" you say no they might not give you their last piece of of food.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Night-Night Bobo

Watching you play independently is always fascinating.  You are currently putting Bobo to bed.  His bed, of course, is the little kitchen set that Aunt Jenny gave you.  Being the resourceful little Bug that you are, you simply knocked it over - voila! a bed!  You put him down and put a little blankie on him.  It was really quite adorable.  I wish I had my camera.  A little blogged memory will have to do.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Recordings of ridiculous cuteness...

So your communication skills seem to be growing like a wild fire these days!  You are WELL aware how to shake your head "no", and you've even picked up some of the baby signs we've been doing!  Today had 2 great examples of this.

You woke up around 6am this morning.  Now, for normal 1 year-olds, that's not odd.  Not so much for you.  You tend to snooze until 7, or even 8 some days.  But it was pretty convenient that you woke up early, as I had to be at work by 7:30.  And when commuting from Linden to Manhattan, that takes some doin'.  So I scooped you up, sang our good morning song, and changed your diaper.  I then handed you to your half-asleep father, who was still in bed.  It took me all of 5 minutes to finish getting ready.  I came back in the room, expecting to find your squirming like crazy, and your daddy doing his best to hold on  to you.  Instead, I find the two of you curled up together under a blanket.  It was getting late, and we had to get going.  I offered my arms and said "up?".  You quite adamantly shook your head "no".  So I paused for a moment, thinking maybe it was just a fluke.  I tried again - "up?"  Your head shook "no" a second time, and then your turned away and closed your eyes.  Needless to say, I took the car and drove myself to the bus this morning.  Your daddy NEVER walks away from a cuddle nap.

When I got home tonight, we had play time.  Your Grandma Dorothy bought you a neat little book made of foam that teaches colors.  It even has little pop out shapes.  So I sat on the floor of the living room and showed it to you.  We went through each page (ok, there's only about 4...) saying the colors and what the pictures were.  At the end of the book, you looked at me and signed "more".  It was the first time you had used the sign outside the context of food!  I was amazed!  It completely showed that you were grasping the concept of "more" on a new level.  Of course, we read the book again.

It is both way cool and way weird to watch you turn into a little person. 

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Birthday Reflections - Part II

You were so small.  Where did my baby go?

Nonsense.  You'll always be my baby.  Forever and ever.

I have so many wishes for you, Lily.  So very many.  I wish them everyday for you.  I wish that you will always look at the world with new eyes.  I wish that you'll always treat other people's hearts as you want yours to be treated.  I wish that you will laugh everyday.  I wish that you will always have a hand to hold.  I wish that you always know the joy of loving, and being loved.  I wish that you always do your best to make this world a better place.  I wish for you to know that it's okay to cry when you want to cry.  I wish for you to always dream big and shoot for the moon.  I wish that your innocence will live forever somewhere in your heart.  I wish for you to have your own sense of style and self.  I wish you peace in your life.  I wish that you too will one day know what a joy it is to have a daughter...

And the list goes on and on and on...

You are very lucky, you know.  There's a lot of people out there who love you.  You have no idea.  I think most people don't realize just how many people love them, though.  It's just the nature of humans to overlook the joy around them.  We get too wrapped up in stuff that we think matters, but it doesn't really.

I love that you clap for things you like.  I love that you try to do the hand movements to "itsy bitsy spider".  I love your cuddles when you are tired.  I love that your laughter is so contagious.  I love that you try to zerbert my tummy like I do to yours.  I love that you call both the cat and your father "da":  I love that today you laughed so hard, you snorted.  I love how you dance.  I love that you'll sometimes look at me very thoughtfully, and then simply put your binky in my mouth.  Afterwards, you always look like you've solved some huge problem. 

You really are an amazing little girl.

I'd say I can't wait for the next year... but to be honest, I'm happy to let it pass by as slowly as possible.

Pleasant dreams, Lily.
 See you in the morning.


First Birthday Reflections - Part I

A year ago today, I learned just how big love can be.  It is overwhelming, and I don't think that there are words that can do it justice.  Certainly none that I know.  But the moment I saw your face, it washed over me like an ocean.  It was like going underwater, and realizing that you can breathe just fine there.  And it's not something that you get used to, or that calms over time.  It holds me every day and night, and I am constantly aware of the sheer size of it.  It is something that is living.  But living is the wrong word... it is something that is more than living.  It is what makes the soul whole.

A year ago today, I heard your cry for the first time.  I felt your skin on mine for the first time.  I met your gaze for the first time.  I fed you milk for the first time.  I watched you sleep for the first time.  I kissed your forehead for the first time.

A year ago today, I learned what a mother's worry truly is.  What I scoffed at as a teenager, became something new to me in an instant.  A mother's worry is not the anxiety of one woman for her child.  A mother's worry is collective anxiety of all mother's for all children.  In an instant every news story became personal.

My beautiful Lilybug, you are a year old today.  The poem states that "Wednesday's child is full of woe", and you are anything but.  You laugh everyday the minute I walk into your room.  You clap and dance.  There hasn't been a single day yet without some joy.

A lot has happened in the year that you came into our lives - some good, some bad.  It has been a year of a lot of ups and downs.  There might be a lot to be learned from all that's gone on, but to be honest, I'm not really sure.  The only thing that comes to mind when I look back is a line from Muppets Take Manhattan (yes, even the muppets can offer sagely advice) - "peoples is peoples".  If I am able to teach you anything in life, my Bug, I hope that that is it.  There are wars and killings happening all over the world because of religion.  There are kids committing suicide because they are gay.  There are families torn apart (including our own) just because someone can't accept who another person is - whether it be their faith, sexual orientation, or simple personality flaw.  Our differences are what allow us to grow as spirits.  They are what give us perspective.  I think it's the prime reason I love to argue.  And it's okay to argue, Lily - just do it with an open ear and reasoning mind.  And in the end, there's nothing wrong in agreeing to disagree.  And you should embrace the fact that someone else sees the world in a different way.  It's a good thing.

But it's sad that it tears people apart.  Because it doesn't have to.

I'm not a perfect person.  I'm certainly not a perfect mom.  But I can offer you the certainty that I will always love you.  I can promise that I will always listen when you argue, in hopes that it will teach you to do the same.  I will give to you all that I have, my daughter.  But it's up to you how you apply it.

Happy first birthday, Lilybug.  Thank you for the greatest gift in the world - being your mom.  I love you.

They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

As you wander through this troubled world
In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

Friday, 13 August 2010

10 months tomorrow

My Little Lilybug...

You've grown so big! 29.5 inches and 21.9 pounds. You're finally out of your infant car seat. You took a step and a half! But you've only done it one or two more times since then. For now you do this weird crawl with one foot on the ground. It cracks me up. You can point to my nose, eyes, and mouth. We're working on ears. You can also show me "one". You learn at lightning speed. It's crazy!

Oh! And let's not forget that you finally have your first tooth!

The past few days you've been sick and just miserable. A fever of 102.2! You'd just curl up next to me and drift in and out of sleep. I did the same. My poor bug... thankfully, you're feeling better now.

It dawns on me that your first birthday will be here soon. I can't even fathom that. Where has this year gone?? I swear I brought you home from the hospital just yesterday.

I love the way you cling to my shirt when I hold you. I love your giggle when I tickle you. I love the look on your face when you are insistent on talking to Lenore... and I wonder what you are discussing with her. I love your open-mouthed kisses. I love your sleepy face. I love your bath splashes.

I love every single thing about you.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

8.5 and growing!

8 months! 8 and a half almost, really...

Holy cow, there's so much now...

You give high fives. You clap "yay!". You crawl and climb EVERYWHERE! You talk a lot, but no words yet. You laugh constantly, which is amazing. Right now you're in front of me in your saucer. It's the best thing in the world to see you become a little person. You're so tall! I think you'll grow to be taller than me. You still don't have any teeth, but they're worker their way there.

For now, we're pulling you out of daycare. It sucks, but the economy blows right now. Hopefully we'll just get more play dates with Sean and Michele. And you're Daddy loves taking care of you, anyhow.

Remember this in life - Everything is only for now. :)

I love you, Bugaboo.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Missin' my Lilybug

7 months have flown by like the breeze. Everyday your personality shines more and more. You understand the words "cat" and "milk". You know who Mommy and Daddy are. 2 weeks ago, I was getting you ready for bed, and had to put you down in your crib while I searched for your binky. You cried when I put you down, but I rushed into my bedroom to retrieve the binky. When I came back, you were standing up, holding on to the side of the crib crying. I gasped and it must have scared you, because you fell backwards into the crib. Daddy lowered the crib the next day.

You're almost crawling. You can scoot around and get where you want to go, but it's a slow and steady pace.

My first mother's day was lovely. The best part was a mid-morning nap that we took together. You were laying down on my bed next to me, but not snuggled up. You just held my hand and watched my face until your eyes drooped closed. I love our calm and connected moments together.

Tonight is your first night away from home. It's harder than I thought it would be, but I am looking forward to a night out with your wonderful father.

I can't wait to see you in the morning. I miss your smile already. I love you.

Friday, 26 March 2010

5 Months

You're 5 months old now. Everyday you amaze me. Watching you discover and learn is a phenomenal thing to witness. You laugh first thing every morning when I come into your room. It's the best way to start a day. You crinkle your eyebrows at me when I try to get you to say "mama". I know you're trying to figure it out. So far you've looked at me and said "bla bla". You've named your monkey Bobo as you often look at him and say "bobobobobobobobo". Your nose sometimes wrinkles when you laugh. I adore that. You can roll all over the place. You especially love to do this while I'm trying to change your diaper. You'll let me know you're hungry by trying to eat my face. We still struggle a bit with nursing. My milk production just isn't what it should be at this stage. But I'm not giving up on us yet. I know it's important to both of us. You look so peaceful when we nurse successfully. We're in a new house. It took you a few weeks to get used to. For 2 weeks you wouldn't sleep anywhere but our bed, cuddled in one of our arms.

You are the most beautiful thing I have ever known. I love you.